As a former printmaker and abstract painter, Corbin is passionate about creating hand-made photographs. She has pursued many historical and alternative processes to that end. Almost as a response to the age of digital "fast" photography, many of these processes are slow and deliberate. It is not always easy to pre-visualize how these one-of-a-kind images will come out. To Corbin, that is the beauty and the mystery of these timeless techniques.

Hand-colored Infrared Silver Print

Hand-colored Infrared Silver Print

Digital Composite

Digital Composite

iPhone Composite

Image Embossed over License Plate

Folded Orgami Cyanotype



Tintype on Slate


Pinhole Argyrotype

Pinhole Argyrotype

Lensbaby Image

Lensbaby Image

Lensbaby Image

Lensbaby Image

Pinhole Cyanotype

Pinhole Cyanotype

Infrared Image

Infrared Image

Infrared Image

Encaustic over Digital Image

Encaustic over Image Transfer

Encaustic over Image Transfer